Acronyms (Course 001)

Communication Strategies for Targeting Problem Behaviours in Autism

Tuesday September 25th 2001

Presented by Elizabeth Baird from Bloorview MacMillan

AAC = Augmentative and Alternative Communication
ACC = Augmentative Communication Clinic
ABA = Applied Behavior Analysis
ACL = Associations for Community Living
ACSD = Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities (formerly Handicapped Children’s Benefits or HCB)
AND = Association for the Neurologically Disabled of Canada
ADD = Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD = Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADL = Activities for Daily Living
ADP = Assistive Devices Program
AIT = Auditory Integrated Training
AOS = Apraxia of Speech
APD = Auditory Processing Disorder
ARCH = Advocacy Resource Centre for the Handicapped
AS = Asperger's Syndrome
ASA = Autism Society of America
ASK = Autism Society Kids-day camp developed by York Region Chapter ASO
ASO = Autism Society Ontario
ASO YRC = Autism Society Ontario York Region Chapter
ASD = Autism Spectrum Disorder
ASL = American Sign Language
BASK = Before and After School program
BM = Behavior Management
CA = Communication Assistant
CAN = Cure Autism Now
CAPD = Central Auditory Processing Disorder
CARD = Community Association for Riding for the Disabled
CCAC = Community Care Access Centre
CEPAS = Central East Preschool Autism Services
COTA = Comprehensive Rehabilitation & Mental Health Services
CP = Cerebral Palsy
CPI = Crisis Prevention and Intervention
DAN = Defeat Autism Now
DAS = Developmental Apraxia of Speech
DCD = Developmental Coordination Disorder
DD = Developmentally Disabled or Developmentally Delayed
DD = Dual Diagnosis
DHC = District Health Council
DMG = DiMethyl Glycine
DOB = Date Of Birth
DS = Down Syndrome
DSI = Dysfunction of Sensory Integration
DSM-IV = Diagnostic & Statistical Manual, 4th Edition
DTT = Discrete Trial Teaching
DVD = Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia
DX = Diagnosis
EEG = Electroencephalogram
EIS = Early Intervention Services
EFA = Essential Fatty Acids
EI = Early Intervention
ENT = Ear Nose Throat Specialist
ESY = Extended School Year
FACE = Future Abilities and Creative Employment
FC = Facilitated Communication
FRAXA = Fragile X Syndrome
GACL = Georgina Association for Community Living
GDD = Global Developmental Delays
GF/CF = Gluten-Free/Casein-Free diet (wheat and dairy)
GSN = Gifted with Special Need
GT/LD = Gifted and Learning Disabled
HFA = High Functioning Autism
HI = Hearing Impaired
HOH = Hand Over Hand
HOH = Hard Of Hearing
IBI = Intensive Behavioral Intervention
IEP = Individualized Education Plan
IFSP = Individualized Family Service Plan
IPRC = Identification, Placement Review Committee
IQ = Intelligence Quotient
KPCS = Kerry’s Place Community Services
LD = Learning Disabled
LLD = Language-based Learning Disability
LFA = Low Functioning Autism
LKS = Landau-Kleffler Syndrome - a form of aphasia with seizure-like activity
LRE = Least Restrictive Environment
MBD = Minimal brain dysfunction (another name AD(H)D has been known by)
MCSS = Ministry of Community & Social Services
MD = Muscular dystrophy
MDT = Multi Disciplinary Team
MH = Multiply Handicapped
MIT = Melodic Intonation Therapy
MMR = Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine
MOH = Ministry of Health
MR = Mentally Retarded
MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging
NADACL = Newmarket and District Association for Community Living
NDA = No Diagnosis of Anything
NDT = Neurodevelopmental Treatment
NICI = Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
NLD = Nonverbal Learning Disability
NS = Noonan's Syndrome
NT = Neurologically Typical (Normally-Developing) or "no text"
O2 = Oxygen
OACL = Ontario Association for Community Living
OAFCCD = Ontario Association for Families of Children with Communication Disorders
OASIS = Ontario Agencies Supporting Individuals with Special Needs
OCD = Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
ODD = Oppositional Defiant Disorder
OHI = Other Health Impaired
OI = Orthopedically Impaired
OT = Occupational Therapy or Occupational Therapist
PDD = Pervasive Developmental Disorder (milder end of the Autism Spectrum)
PDD-NOS = Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
PECS = Picture Exchange Communication System
PHCP = Physically Handicapped Children's Program
PICU = Pediatric Intensive care Unit
PLAN = Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network
POP = Parent Outreach Program
PT = Physical Therapy or Physical Therapist
PTSD = Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
ROM = Range Of Motion
RSP = Resource Specialist Program
SEAC = Special Education Advisory Committee
SD = School District
SEPTA = Special Education Parent Teacher Association
SERT= Special Education Resource Teacher
SETRC = Special Education Training and Resource Center
SI = Speech Impaired or Sensory Integration
SIL = Supported Independent Living
SLI = speech language impairment
SLP = Speech Language Pathologist
SNT = Super NuThera (see B6 Mag)
SPD = Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder
SPED = Special Education
ST = Speech Therapy
SSAH = Special Services at Home
TBI = Traumatic Brain Injured
TEACCH = Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children
TOD = Teacher of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing
TRACK = Therapeutic Riding Association for Challenged Kids
TRE-ADD = Treatment Rehabilitation Education of Autistic and Developmentally Delayed – Thistletown Regional Centre
TS = Tourette Syndrome
TVI = Teacher of Visually Impaired
TX = Treatment
VI = Visually Impaired
VIT B6 Mag = Vitamin B6 with Magnesium (as in Super NuThera)
WAC = Writing Aids Clinic
YCDSB = York Catholic District School Board
YRDSB = York Region District School Board (public)
YSACL = York South Association for Community Living
YSSN = York Support Services Network
WNL = Within Normal Limits

  Note: BBB Autism is not responsible for information found on links or in books listed here.

August 11, 2002