
Warning Signs:

13 to 18 months

Does not smile and laugh when looking at you
Does not vocalize frequently
Does not produce more than one consonant sound in strings of babbling or jargon
Does not show you things that interest him / her
Does not respond to his / her name
Doesn't respond to familiar sounds (phone ringing, dad's voice, etc) with recognition
Doesn't gesture to communicate (for example, wave bye-bye)
Doesn't let you know what he / she wants or doesn't want
Doesn't engage in social games (for example, patty cake)
Doesn't imitate actions or attempt to imitate speech or songs
Does not play with a variety of toys such as blocks, books, dolls, cars, etc.


Warning Signs:

19 to 24 months

Does not interact with others during play (for example, showing, giving, looking up for a reaction)
Does not recognize pictures of familiar objects or persons by pointing or verbally labeling
Does not engage in pretend play (for example, feeding dolls or animals, stirring)


Warning Signs:

25 to 30 months

Does not listen to stories with pictures
Does not name pictures
Does not follow simple directives


Warning Signs:

30 to 36 months

Does not answer questions about recent experiences
Does not express physical states (for example, I'm hurt, hungry
Does not follow two- or three-part directives
Does not engage in symbolic play (for example, using a banana for a phone, or a block for a car)
Does not engage in short conversational interchanges but rather uses language solely to get needs met
Does not maintain attention to a specific activity for at least 10 minutes


IMPORTANT: The information provided on our website is a general educational aid designed to help you discuss your child's unique issues with your physician, clinician or qualified provider. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for  medical or health care advice, or for diagnosis or treatment purposes. Always consult your physician, clinician or other qualified  provider as soon as possible about any medical or health-related question.  BBB Autism Support Network is not made up of any type of physician ~ we are families helping other families!

July 23, 2002