Collaborators: BBB Autism, ASO York Region |
August 17, 2001 VOLUME 1; ISSUE 5 |
ARTICLE OF THE WEEK Parenting: Disciplining a Child with PDDThe following excerpt is taken from Chapter 10 of Pervasive Developmental Disorders: Finding a Diagnosis and Getting Help by Mitzi Waltz, copyright 1999 by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. For book orders/information, call (800) 998-9938. Permission is granted to print and distribute this excerpt for noncommercial use as long as the above source is included. The information in this article is meant to educate and should not be used as an alternative for professional medical care. There's a parable about accepting children with disabilities that regularly makes the rounds of support-group newsletters and Internet discussion groups. Written by Emily Perl Kingsley, "Welcome to Holland" (Kingsley, 1987) talks about the experience of planning a trip to Italy but accidentally ending up in Holland, which doesn't have the Coliseum or Michelangelo's David, but does have lovely tulips and Rembrandt. Holland is different, but it's good in its own way--just like your child with a disability. While many parents have found this fable comforting, others feel patronized by well-meaning advice and reading material that encourages them to simply accept their lot. When you are encouraged to accept your lot, even to see it as a gift, it can make you think you don't have the right to be mad--but you do. No one deserves to have these disorders, and no one deserves to have their lives turned upside down by caring for someone else who does. On one level, you do have to accept the situation. On another, you cannot, and must not if you are to have the energy and determination to help your child. To read the rest of this article, click here The Angry Childby Jere BROPHY
CHILD Contributed
by BBB
Members: Lynn,
Jen, Khris, Becca, Bernie, Liz, Diana, Sue and Michelle *
Sense of Humor (7) *
Patience by the dump truck load *
The ability to answer the same question but put 100 different ways. ·
The flexibility to adapt to what
your child can not ·
The ability to see and experience
imperfection and let that be ok... ·
The ability to accept the world and circumstances as they are
but strive onwards without giving into despair... ·
Unconditional Love ·
Be able to cook, shop, a
quick pace especially if your child's with you ·
Understanding ·
that you can advocate for your child. ·
‘A case of beer couldn’t hurt,
LOL’ ·
A hearing aid you can turn off once
in awhile, lol ·
Hostage Negotiator Effective Behavior
Strategies These strategies are designed to help you better cope with and manage the more challenging behaviors exhibited by children and teens with ADHD. Many can be adapted for all types of kids!
More tips here. ADHD Behavior Modification Techniques Parent Tip by BBB Member Liz One of the best tools I've ever used for determining the reasons for some of my son's more difficult behaviors has been the Durand Motivational Assessment Scale (MAS). The scale was developed by V.Mark Durand, Ph.D., and Daniel B. Crimmins, Ph.D.
FAVORITE LINKS Children's Stress in Childhood How Parents' Stress Affects Children How to Know When Your Family Needs Therapy My Parent Time Printable Checklists, Homepage 7 Day Food Diary (to check against possible food allergies) RECOMMENDED READING Asperger Syndrome and Difficult Moments Practical Solutions for Tantrums, Rage and Meltdown by Brenda Smith Myles and Jack Southwick Growing Up Severely Autistic They Call Me Gabriel by Kate Rankin Learning To Listen; Positive Approaches and People with Difficult Behaviour by Herbert Lovett Sexuality: Your Sons and Daughters with Intellectual Disabilitiesby Karin Melberg Schwier and Dave Hingsburger Toilet Training for Individuals with Autism and Related Disorders A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Teachers by Maria Wheeler The Explosive Child; Understanding and Helping Easily Frustrated, "Chronically Inflexible" Children by Ross Greene, PhD Sleep Better; A Guide to Improving Sleep for Children with Special Needs by V. Mark Durand Solving Behavior Problems in Autism: Improving Communication with Visual Strategies by Linda Hodgdon ADDRESSING THOSE TOUGH BEHAVIORS Bully Advice for Parents and Teachers Stereotypic (Self-Stimulatory) Behavior School Discipline and the Student with Disabilities Autism Society of America "Challenging Behaviors" Avoiding Unfortunate Situations; Law Enforcement and Autism Treatment of Destructive Behaviors in Persons with Developmental Disabilities Parenting Tips for Better Sleep plus Sleep Log Law Enforcement and the Autism/PDD Issue Group Homes and Other Alternatives Information Written for Law Enforcement GENERAL ARTICLES The Dark Side; Loving Every Minute of it - addressing negative feelings of motherhood HARD TO TALK ABOUT - IMPOSSIBLE TO IGNORE People with Mental Retardation and Sexual Abuse Family
The Reward Challenge of the week-the Bath and Bed relay-goes to the
Huggies Tribe, who successfully bathe, diaper, pajama and put all
three kids to sleep in record time. They walk away with a stack of
Barney videos and a VCR for the family room TV set. Past Issues (to request, email and indicate which volume/issue(s) you prefer Volume 1; Issue 1 WELCOME ISSUE! Volume 1; Issue 2 SUMMER CRISIS ISSUE Volume 1; Issue 3 SPOUSAL CONCERNS ISSUE Volume 1; Issue 4 SENSORY INTEGRATION (C) BBB Autism 2001 A notice to our readers... The founders of this newsletter and the BBB Autism support network are not physicians. This newsletter references books and other web sites that may be of interest to the reader. The founders make no presentation or warranty with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained on any of these web sites or in the books, and specifically disclaim any liability for any information contained on, or omissions from, these books or web sites. Reference to these web sites or books herein shall not be construed to be an endorsement of these web sites or books or of the information contained thereon, by the founders. Permission to reproduce and hand out is granted, provided the document is displayed in it's entirety. Other permissions may be requested by e-mail: Attention: Single Parents of ASD children: An upcoming series of chats and Newsletter themes will be discussing this issue. We would greatly appreciate any input (i.e. links, articles, book reviews and/or personal stories you may have. Anonymity is assured! Please forward submissions to: Your help is appreciated!
to Defuse an Angry Outburst Here's How:
Repertoires in Autism and What We
Can Do About It Revised by Cathy Pratt This is a summary of a presentation by Tony Attwood, Ph.D., from Brisbane, Australia. Dr. Attwood described the developmental sequence followed by typical children. Children with autism spectrum disorder follow the same developmental sequence, but in an exaggerated fashion. For example, children with autism spectrum disorder may collect the same type of objects as other children, but to a point of excess. Another example is the intense need for symmetry, or for information on a certain subject. These exaggerated behaviors are identified as a restricted repertoire of activities and interests. Many individuals with autism spectrum disorder engage in simple, repetitive actions such as rocking or spinning objects. What to do about repetitive actions depends on the reason the individual is performing the activity or the function of the behavior. The following are possible reasons for repetitive actions and programming ideas specific to these reasons. To read more, check out BBB Autism's PDF Files. ALSO Check out our PDF files for great printable articles on challenging behavior. Look for:
many more! How
to Build Self-Esteem
Applause, applause.
Happy notes tucked in their lunch or under
their pillow.
One-on-one attention.
Attending their school activities.
A favorite meal or treat.
Telling your child how proud you are of him
or her.
Saying "I love you."
Celebrate their accomplishments.
Give your child extra privileges.
It will always be in the best interest of
your children to nurture a healthy
Avoid negative power plays and accentuate
the positive behaviors. Teaching Play skills to a Child with ASD "This is a selection of notes from over two years of behavioral intervention sessions with a young child who ultimately recovered completely from autism. It includes many curricula ("drill sheets"), therapists' notes, and parents' notes, covering (in part) his development from no pretend play skills all the way to fully independent, spontaneous, creative play. The notes are by the parents, Megan and Jim Sumlin (pseudonyms), who feel strongly that this information should be freely available to all who might benefit from it. They ask only that these drills belong in the public domain, and are not to be claimed or copy written by any person who is or will in the future be seeking monetary gain for wide distribution of same. Feel free to re-distribute this document, but please include this entire preface. To read the Sumlins' program, please click here. Some Behaviors Associated with Autism Social Behavior Socially Avoidant
Socially Indifferent
Socially Awkward
Self-Stimulatory Behavior Visual
Self-Injurious Behavior This type of behavior can be characterized by any behavior which causes bodily harm to him/herself. The most common observed self-injurious behavior would include head-banging, hand biting, and excessive scratching or rubbing. Problems can occur due to some ASD individuals having a high tolerance to pain. There are two main sets of theories as to why people engage in self-injurious behaviors social and physiological. Social Theories
Physiological Theories
For an upcoming issue, I am asking for your favorite links, plus stories and articles you have written yourself on the following topic:
* Acceptance/Denial
* Nutrition and ASD
Asperger Syndrome Thanks for all your support, Liz UPCOMING CHATS: APRAXIA - Thursday, August 16th at 2pm and 9pm est Convert to your time zone here. PLEASE NOTE: TRANSCRIPTS FROM APRAXIA AND AUTISM AND ENZYMES CHATS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST AUTISM AND ENZYMES - Monday, August 20 at 9pm est to be repeated Wednesday, August 22 at 2pm est AUTISM AND CHALLENGING BEHAVIORS (SELF INJURY AND VIOLENCE) Wed Aug 29 2:00pm est Thurs Aug 30 2:00 pm est Back to school Thurs Aug 23 9:00pm Tues Aug 28 2:00pm coming soon: "How to Set Up a Home IBI Program", "Autism and Essential Fatty Acids", "Sensory Integration" Regular chats take place Mon-Fri at 2pm and 9 pm daily. If no one is in the chat room when you get there...give it a chance. You never know who might drop in! For chat instructions, please email the chat(s) you wish to attend to