Shopping for the ASD/PDD child is a challenge in many ways. Two of the most prevalent issues are "what to buy" and "how to buy".
Relatives are always asking me what to get my son for his birthday, and I generally answer clothes because toys almost always become broken or ignored. Anything to do with "Toy Story" or "A Bug's Life" can work, but these toys do not always encourage functional play.
"How to buy" is a real toughie. Time is limited and as a result, my children are usually with me during shopping hours. I have solved this by shopping online. This is a wonderful treat! (I have even purchased my groceries online during a particularly difficult meltdown weekend!)
The following are some links to online stores that either cater to special needs kids, or sell toys geared toward developmental stages. Hope this helps you in some small way!
Auti-Toys | | | |
-special offer for FREE CD-ROMS at smarterkids | |
Fisher-Price | |
Little Tikes | |
Special Kids Learning Resource Network | |
Discovery Toys - purchase toys at home - demonstrations by experts! | |
Laureate Learning Systems - Special Needs and Language Development Software | |
Play Steps - teaching kids with special needs how to play functionally | |
Smart Laces | |
Ability Kids | |
Dimensions: Speech and Language Therapy Software | |
MasterMind | |
HearthSong | |
Silver Lining Multimedia | |
Gather Stars for our Children - Music for kids on the spectrum, their teachers, caregivers, therapists, etc. | |
Tender Care 4 Kids | |
Dragonfly: Devoted to Children with Special Needs | |
Check out's article "How to Choose a Gift for the Autistic/PDD Child" | |
For even more information, plus parents' hints, check out our E-News issue on this subject! |
Amy Ames' All God's Children Living with Autism: CD of songs to promote autism awareness. Amy Ames (songwriter, singer and producer) writes songs to help her autistic son Sam. Her CD, "All God's Children Living with Autism," is now available. |
Free (or cheap) Autism Awareness Cards:
Autism Information Cards ($2 for 20 cards) |
30: December 4, 2001