is a 504?
Q: What is a 504?
A: Section 504 is a law that mandates that appropriate and reasonable accommodations are made to ensure that anyone with a handicapping condition is not significantly impaired in a life activity. We generally think of learning. So, if a child has a handicapping condition that significantly impairs him from functioning as well as a non-handicapped child, he/she must receive accommodation. If the child has an IEP, the Section 504 is not needed. But a child that has a condition, frequently asthma or ADHD, may not need special education but only accommodations in the regular classroom situation. School systems can decline to give a child a Section 504 accommodation plan if they do not feel the condition is significantly impacting the learning process.
The "Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support" (OASIS) website, has some fantastic sample documents including IEP and ARD. (click on "Education" on the left-hand side of the screen) OASIS also includes a checklist form designed for parents to provide to teachers and other educators to help them understand the strengths and challenges faced by a child with an autism spectrum disorder. It includes sections on environmental challenges, sensory challenges, behaviors, and social skills. Another checklist form designed for parents to provide to teachers and other educators incorporates "teaching tips" and modifications/adaptations often necessary to enable a child with an autism spectrum disorder to thrive and succeed in the school setting. This site also discusses IEP goals. This is just a small sample of the goodies you will find there!
2: August 11, 2002