From "Wright's Law", The Special Ed Advocator presents "From Emotions to Advocacy: The Parents' Journey" by Pamela Darr Wright, MA, MSW.  This is a comprehensive, well-written article that provides strategies in dealing with "the dreaded IEP" while not letting emotions such as anger get in the way.

Wright's Law recently put together a huge issue dealing specifically with IEPs including a "Tactics and Strategy Session", "Emergency! Crisis! Help!" details a special education attorney’s first response to the parent’s initial frantic telephone call;   "Understanding Tests and Measures" and "Your Child's IEP: Practical and Legal Guidance for Parents~How to Write Powerful IEPs"

Game Plan: Practical Guidance for New Parents

Game Plan: Good IEP Goals and Objectives

Game Plan: How to Resolve an Eligibility Dispute

"Playing 20 Questions with the Devil (or How to Handle Disagreements During IEP Meetings)"

"Your Child Has School Problems: Who Is To Blame?" by Pamela Darr Wright, M.A., M.S.W. Licensed Clinical Social Worker

"The Art of Writing Letters"

 The Autism Society of America's page on "Determining Appropriate Educational Placement" and "Writing an IEP".

 "Inclusion" is a term used to describe a regular classroom services for students identified as having special instructional needs.  The following link, "Inclusion and Individualized Education Program (IEP)" covers a great deal of information including: IEP Process, Steps to Beginning the Multi-Factored Evaluation (MFE) Process, Development of IEP, and more.

The American Hyperlexia Society (AHA) has put together a very down-to- earth presentation on the subject in "IEP - A Road Map To Success". Visit this site, you won't be disappointed.

"IEP Resources" are providers of tools and books to help educate the child, while educating the parent about the IEP process.

The Use of the IDEA's Parental Notice Requirements as an Affirmative Advocacy Tool by Curt L. Sytsma Staff Attorney & Coordinator Program for Developmental Disabilities

Test your knowledge of IDEA by taking this short quiz.

Sample Section 504 Plan

The National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities

Get your IEP analyzed here.

Why and How to Tape Record an IEP Meeting

Understanding Your Prior Written Notice

Tactics of the Public School System

Individualized Education Program: A Road Map To Success -- Celebrate the Journey 

"A Parent's Guide to Special Education and Related Services: Communicating Through Letter writing" by Susan Ferguson and Suzanne Ripley


Student Assessment Forms

Functional Behavior Assessment

Wechsler Intelligence Scale of Children - Revised Analysis / Report

State and Provincial Psychological Associations

AT in the IEP: Suggested Assistive Technology Guide to Meet the Student's Need

Assistive Technology Handbook

Disability Worksheets from Easter Seals

Assistive Technology in the IEP Outline

Assistive Technology in Schools

Autism Recovery Network Legal Services, IEP's and Specialty Schools

Preschool ASL

Tools for Early Identification and Intervention - 0-5 years CHILD's HISTORY and FAMILY BACKGROUND presents the most recent State-reported data available collected by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs as required under Section 618 of IDEA. 

Residential Treatment Programs

Neuropsychological Tests

Tons of more links

Awarding Attorneys' Fees

What is the Typical Schedule of Events in the Testing Process?

What Tests Would the School Psychologist Use?

Special Education Advocacy Services (all states; also British Columbia, Canada)

Special Education Products     

Parental Assertiveness in the Exceptional Education Process

Book Reviews

AVKO Dyslexia Research Foundation: Sample IEP

"Ask Your Special Education Questions" Special Education Advocacy & Consulting Alliance

IEP4u Writing Your IEPs Made Easy, Streamlined and Efficient 

Special Education - Preschool

IEP Planner software: Preschool Skills 

Another Path: IEP and Home schooling

Special Education Web Sites

Special Ed Advocacy: Mistakes Parents Make

Special Ed Advocacy: Mistakes Schools Make

Sample Letter Requesting Review and Revision of IEP

Writing Transition Statements on IEPs, examples

Calling for Help. Making Effective Phone Calls About Your Child

The Home-to-School Companion: communication between home and school

For great support and fantastic information, join the Yahoo group, IEP Guide.  This is a huge group with a great deal of traffic! A word of advice: join under a totally new email address, because the posts are numerous!

65 August 12, 2002