Below is a list of Needs Statements from the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board

Please pass this on to Special Education parents, to assist them in preparing their children's Individual Education Plans (IEPs). IEP's are particularly important now, both for ISA funding, and for stating any accommodations (i.e. equipment, extra time, etc.) which students may require, and be entitled to, in testing situations. Please note: a child does not need to be IPRCd to have an IEP.
Nancy Myers

Needs Statements
Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) documentation includes a Statement of Needs in the recommendation for each exceptional student.

These needs statements reflect general objectives of the Individual Education Plan and determine the expectations and strategies which provide the link between the recommendations of the IPRC and the program.

The suggested Statements of Needs are numerically coded and categorized, and correspond to the Special Education/Student Services Division’s database, the Special Education Tracking System (SPTS).

Parents are invited to participate in the selection of needs statements and are encouraged to be involved in all aspects of the IPRC process.

100 To develop letter recognition skills
101 To develop word recognition skills
102 To develop sound symbol decoding skills
103 To increase confidence in oral reading
104 To improve articulation skills by oral reading
105 To develop basic literacy skills
106 To develop an enjoyment for reading
107 To develop/improve reading comprehension skills
108 To develop visual perceptual skills
109 To develop reading readiness skills
110 To expand sight vocabulary
111 To develop/improve decoding skills
112 To develop vocabulary to enhance reading comprehension
113 To develop reading speed and fluency
114 To develop phonemic awareness

200 To develop receptive vocabulary skills
201 To develop expressive vocabulary skills
202 To develop vocabulary through experience
203 To develop receptive grammatical language skills
204 To develop expressive grammatical language skills
205 To develop understanding of directional concepts
206 To develop verbal reasoning skills (inference prediction)
207 To improve general understanding of written material
208 To develop oral expressive language skills
210 To develop basic language skills for daily living
211 To develop social language skills
213 To develop enriched language
214 To develop basic communication skills
215 To develop speech at the phonetic/phonological level
216 To develop language processing skills
217 To develop problem-solving skills
218 To develop phonological processes
219 To develop articulation skills
220 To increase fluency
221 To develop sound-symbol awareness
222 To develop knowledge of structure of language (metalinguistic skills)
223 To develop oral-motor skills
224 To develop auditory memory skills
227 To develop expressive/receptive language skills
228 To develop speech/articulation skills
230 To develop augmentative communication skills
231 To develop an understanding and/or use of language concepts
232 To develop an understanding and/or use of grammatical language skills
233 To develop verbal reasoning skills
234 To develop confidence in verbal expression
235 To interact orally in small groups of hearing and/or hearing impaired students
236 To develop expressive oral and manual skills
237 To develop the use of residual hearing and auditory skills
238 To develop the integration of auditory training and speech reading skills
239 To develop hearing potential through a cochlear implant
240 To develop audition skills and oral language with hearing implants
241 To have personal hearing aids/cochlear implant/F.M. equipment maintained in working condition
242 To develop understanding and responsibility for personal hearing equipment
243 To develop the ability to follow written/oral direction

226 To develop process writing strategies for oral and written responses
209 To develop expressive written language skills
300 To improve written language skills
301 To receive assistance with assignment completion
302 To develop time management strategies
303 To develop alternate forms for written assignments
304 To develop use of appropriate technology for written expression
305 To develop self-editing skills
306 To improve the use of capital letters and punctuation
307 To develop compensatory strategies for spelling
309 To improve basic spelling skills
310 To provide opportunities for creative written expression
311 To develop organizational skills in written language
312 To develop alternative strategies for written work e.g. point form
313 To develop the ability to use a variety of written forms (reports, projects, notes, essays)
314 To improve eye-hand co-ordination for copying exercises
315 To improve printing/handwriting skills
316 To improve near/far point copying skills
317 To use elements of grammar and punctuation to increase comprehension

400 To develop verbal concepts basic to mathematics
401 To develop an understanding of the concept of numbers
402 To develop an understanding of basic math operations
403 To develop math computation skills
404 To develop skills in math problem solving
405 To develop functional math skills
406 To develop basic math skills for daily living
407 To develop basic numeracy skills
408 To develop an understanding of basic math concepts
409 To develop an understanding of the concept of time
410 To develop an understanding of money
411 To develop functional math skills using money
412 To improve understanding of geometry
413 To develop spatial sense
414 To develop one-to-one correspondence of numbers
415 To develop/improve accuracy of number facts
416 To develop an understanding of the language of math
417 To develop compensatory strategies for mathematics
418 To improve the use of algebraic notation and modeling in solving problems
419 To develop an understanding of probability and its applications
420 To develop a variety of technologies to gather, analyze, interpret, evaluate and display data
421 To improve number sense and numeration

500 To accept responsibility for desk/work area/books/assignments
501 To enhance confidence in own abilities
502 To reduce distractibility
503 To receive direct instruction
504 To work at a slower pace with daily repetition and practice
505 To develop organizational skills
506 To develop note-taking strategies
507 To develop scheduling/time management skills
508 To assist in collecting information from various sources
509 To develop recording skills and strategies
510 To develop presentation strategies
511 To assist in developing insight into learning style(s)
512 To assist in developing insight into appropriate study environment
513 To assist in developing logical and concise reporting
514 To develop independent work-study skills
515 To improve listening skills
516 To work within a structured learning environment
517 To develop task persistence by close monitoring
518 To develop responsibility for quality of academic assignments
519 To assist in developing insight into fulfilling academic expectations
520 To be permitted extended time for tests/exams
521 To be permitted extended time for written assignments
522 To be permitted alternate forms for tests/exams
523 To transfer learned strategies/skills into regular program
524 To develop active learner habits and strategies
525 To work within small class environment to maximize learning
526 To develop more independent task analysis and problem-solving skills
527 To understand and follow instructions
528 To develop basic life skills for daily living
529 To increase attention and concentration
530 To complete work assignments
531 To develop memory skills
532 To develop personal responsibility with regards to assistive device
533 To use alternative forms of instruction and testing

600 To develop group participation skills
601 To accept rules of the group
602 To increase sensitivity and understanding of others
603 To develop conflict resolution strategies
604 To develop social and communication skills with peers
605 To experience social problem-solving activities
606 To reduce academic anxiety
607 To attend school
608 To interact with peers
609 To reduce test/exam anxiety by developing study skills
610 To accept classroom rules, routines and expectations
611 To develop personal and social responsibilities
612 To develop self-advocacy skills
613 To develop strategies for self-control
614 To continue development in the area of personal hygiene
615 To participate in work experience
616 To increase awareness of leisure time activities
617 To develop life skills
618 To interact with age-appropriate peers
619 To develop on-task behaviours
620 To reduce attention-seeking behaviours
621 To develop interpersonal skills
622 To extend affective development
623 To develop age-appropriate behaviours
624 To improve attendance and punctuality
625 To reduce inappropriate behaviour in unstructured situations
626 To reduce inappropriate behaviour in the classroom
627 To eliminate physical aggression
628 To reduce verbal aggression
629 To develop appropriate behaviours in the classroom
630 To develop appropriate behaviours in unstructured situations
631 To accept responsibility for own behaviour
632 To eliminate threatening behaviours
633 To reduce manipulative behaviours
634 To reduce impulsivity
635 To develop a willingness to take risks
636 To develop respect towards others
637 To develop respect towards adults
638 To develop respect towards peers
639 To develop appropriate means of expressing difference of opinion or displeasure
640 To develop the skills necessary to co-operate positively with others in group learning situations
641 To improve effort and motivation in school
642 To develop a self-awareness of mood/attitude changes
643 To develop leadership abilities
644 To use leadership abilities in constructive ways
645 To develop a more positive self-image
646 To improve social skills
647 To develop effective communication skills for positive interpersonal relationships
648 To develop responsibility and accountability
649 To increase empathy towards and understanding of others
650 To develop appropriate emotional outlets
651 To increase participation in group situations
652 To develop realistic expectation of potential
653 To develop the ability to accept criticism
654 To capitalize on strengths
655 To encourage participation in extra-curricular activities
656 To develop techniques to reduce level of frustration
657 To develop the ability to work in a co-operative manner
658 To accept criticism and direction in a positive manner
659 To develop a healthy attitude toward sexuality
660 To develop a positive attitude toward school
661 To develop a positive attitude towards adults
662 To increase social independence
663 To develop socially acceptable language
664 To develop independent thinking
665 To develop personal sense of purpose and direction
666 To take pride in one's accomplishments
667 To develop pride in one’s own appearance
668 To enhance confidence and acceptance of one's abilities
669 To develop understanding of compromise and co-operation
670 To respect the rights of others to work without interference
671 To learn to set realistic goals and to accept setbacks as part of the learning process
672 To develop the confidence to take risks
673 To develop the skills necessary to work collaboratively with others in group learning situations
674 To learn to consider other points of view and to see a situation from different perspectives


700 To develop basic academic skills in Language Arts and Mathematics
701 To develop basic skills in Language Arts
702 To develop basic academic skills in Mathematics
703 To develop academic skills for daily living
704 To develop basic academic skills by instruction at a slower pace
705 To develop basic academic skills at a concrete level
706 To build positive self-esteem by modification of academic program
707 To receive support for physical needs
708 To develop pre-Braille skills and extend concept development
709 To develop and extend Braille skills
710 To have progress monitored in regular academic program
711 To enhance self-esteem
712 To develop academic readiness skills
713 To develop vocational skills
714 To develop functional academic skills
715 To develop compensatory strategies for problem solving
716 To develop the ability to follow written/oral directions
717 To develop basic literacy skills
718 To develop ability to work as part of a co-operative team
719 To increase accuracy in work
720 To take responsibility for one's own learning

750 To improve personal hygiene
751 To establish a neat appearance
752 To receive support for physical needs
753 To develop leisure skills
754 To develop vocational skills
755 To develop an awareness of resources in the community
756 To develop proper etiquette
757 To participate in work experience
758 To develop mobility skills using transportation system
759 To develop a sense of respect for safety rules
760 To develop basic directional orientation
761 To develop visual orientation skills for mobility
762 To develop self-help skills and dressing skills

800 To interact with students of similar interests and abilities
801 To participate in academic activities at an advanced level
802 To acquire research and thinking skills
803 To receive differentiated programming in the regular classroom
804 To be challenged in a particular subject area or other areas of strength
805 To work in an open-ended curriculum which provides many opportunities for creative exploration and expression
806 To develop creative thinking skills
807 To become fluent in the generation and recall of ideas
808 To display originality through the development of unusual and unique ideas

900 To develop gross and fine motor skills
901 To develop fine motor skills
902 To develop gross motor skills
903 To integrate visual-motor skills in problem solving
904 To develop basic directional orientation
905 To increase awareness of basic time concepts
906 To develop auditory training
907 To develop tactile and haptic perception
908 To develop kinesthetic perception-spatial movement
909 To develop visual orientation skills for mobility
910 To develop self-help skills
911 To increase participation in physical activities
912 To participate in physical education

950 To develop an understanding of the function and use of tools in designing and building
951 To develop an understanding of how to design and build a variety of simple structures or machines
952 To develop keyboarding skills
953 To develop a variety of problem-solving approaches
954 To develop skills to support the use of a variety of technologies (e.g. computers, calculators)
955 To use word processing skills in preparing assignments

1: August 11, 2002