(Sensory Integration)
Sensory Integration Resource Centre
Quiet Quilt - special weighted quilts for special kids
"The Relationship of Learning Problems and Classroom Performance to Sensory Integration" (for parents, caregivers and teachers)
The American Occupational Therapy Association
Sensory Integration Resources
South Paw Enterprises
Socks and Solutions for Sensitive Feet,
seamless socks
Special Clothes Online Catalogue
Sensory Comfort Online Catalogue
In Your Pocket Designs (weighted vest)
Therapy Shoppe
Abilitations: Specialized Equipment for Physical & Mental Development Through Movement
Working with Clay
Fine Motor Art Activities
Activities for Developing Fine Motor Co-ordination
Fine Motor Manipulatives
More Fine Motor Activities
How Can Occupational Therapy Help the Individual with Autism?
Sensory Integration by Cindy Hatch-Rasmussen
Behaviors of Children with Sensory Integration Differences
An Interview with Carol Kranowitz, author of The Out-of-Sync Child
A Day in the Life of Alex: Coping with Sensory Integration Dysfunction
The Torture of Touch: Raising a Child with Sensory Integration Dysfunction
Body Blocker
Temple Grandin's 'Hug Machine' (article)
Handwriting Without Tears
Our Senses Tell an Important Story
What is Sensory Integration? (in PDF)
New Visions
32: May 16, 2002
Please note: BBB Autism Support Network is not responsible for information found on the sites we are linked to.