and his Yellow Frisbee” by Mary Thompson
"Russell is Extra Special” by Charles A. Amenta III, M.D.
and Sam” by Illana Katz
“I love this book! Having a younger brother with autism, I can't tell you how
helpful it has been when I talk to children about autism. The most amazing thing
is that when I go into a classroom or a group and talk about autism using this
book, the kids all want to help and almost mentor the kids with autism or
Asperger's Syndrome that may be in their class or in their school. If there were
more books like JOEY AND SAM maybe the world would be a better place.” Reader
Walk” by Laurie Lears, Karen Ritz, Judith
is not so much a story about Ian's autism as it is a subtle portrait of how his
autism affects his older sister, Julie. After she and their other sister, Tara,
agree to let Ian walk with them to the park, Julie tells, in a sensitive yet
short-fused voice, how Ian sees, hears, smells, and feels things
"differently." Without ever saying what autism is beyond "Ian's
brain doesn't work like other people's," she details his peculiar
inter-actions with his surroundings. Great book for siblings!
Brother Sammy” by Becky Edwards
A young boy expresses his feelings about having a little brother who is
autistic. While the feelings may be genuine, the too-oft repeated phrase
"because he's special", paired with the boy's eventual acceptance of,
and participation in, his brother's autistic behavior make for a cloying and
clichéd read. Washed, misty-looking watercolors add to the sentimental tone.
"Asperger's Huh?" by Rosina G. Schnurr, John Strachan (Illustrator)
"This Is Asperger Syndrome" by Elisa Gagnon, Brenda Smith Myles
More books about Autism, PDD and Asperger's at Amazon.
Patient Center's books about autism for Children
9: November 26, 2001